Our name is Wilson FIrst Baptist Church. Our contact information is at the bottom of this page.
We are a part of the South Baptist Convention, Arkansas Baptist State Convention, The Mississippi County Baptist Assn.
We're easy to find by the map below. But, if you're from our area and know where the Hampson Musem is, we're down Lake street, west a little ways and on the other side of the street. We're a block behind and a block north of the downtown square.
Where we are might also refer to our demographics. We are in a small town with very few regular church attenders and many more young families than one might emagine. Therefore, we're RIGHT IN THE HEART OF GOD'S HARVEST FIELD; right where He wants us!
We'd love to be your family's church!
Who are we?
We're COUNTRY. I know we look like an old-timey church from the outside, that's not what you'll find on the inside.
We're COOL. We've dropped the judgmental pretense, we're passed it. We just love Jesus, we love our neighbors & we love you.
We're CALLED. God has given our little church a calling - to be salt & light to our neighborhood, our city, our county & country.
We're COLLECTIVE. We believe part of the way to do that is by associating with (i.e. get along) other churches and organizations. We feel strongly about being in 'helps' ministries, to serve the least of these/last of these and the lost.
What do we believe?
Our beliefs parallel those of the Southern Baptist Convention and are written succinctly in a manifesto entitled THE BAPTIST FAITH & PRACTICE. CLICK HERE to read it.
We believe we are the Body of Christ. We acknowledge we are not THE ONLY church in town. We believe we are called to serve & save the Least Last & Lost for God's ultimate glory. Our MOTTO IS: May Your Kingdom Come, May Your Will Be Done!
What is our style of worship?
We love to worship God.
Our first avenue to praise Him is private. We suggest that a Quiet Time/Devotion be the
center of your worship. Without one-on-one with the Lord, Sunday morning will be weak.
We are a confessing church; not always to each other, but to the Lord. We believe we must prepare ourselves to enter into His Holy Presence by consecrating ourselves: come to the Lord in a worthy manner; repentant, washed, clean, and able to approach Him boldly.
We generically call our style blended. We love the new stuff, we can't get away from the
'old' stuff, and we just throw it in a pot, let it simmer under the power of the Holy Spirit, take whatever's given to us each week, and use that to praise Him. No rules, just right.