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Did you know there's already a trip to Puerty Rico planned this summer with our Mississippi County

Assn. of Baptist churches?


You could go on that.  It's very inexpensive and you don't even have to have a passport!





We need to consider where the Lord is working in our neighborhood, and go do that!


Jesus in June

will not be held

on the downtown square

as we've done before.



Heartland Church Network Missions 

In the past four years we have partnered in ministry with Heartland Church Network near Air Park, Nebraska. You see, there's virtually nowhere to go to church in this new little city.  There's no clear witness of Jesus Christ in their area.  They have a mall & everything you think one could find in a town of more than 6,000 people except a really good church to anchor the message of the Gospel in that community.  No one's going there; they've been SKIPPED OVER!  Left alone by most.  They need us! We have taken several groups of people involved in our congregation for week long missions trips to help them get their ministry to this area begun. Maybe you would like to join us in this ministry to this unchurched people group. 




Check out our Pastor's outreach ministry to folks in the town of Wilson, AR, as he shares a FOOD SOURCE for families to feed themselves-- free!-no strings attached!  Check out this website...


God has given our pastor a heart for reaching the whole town of Wilson with the love of Jesus Christ.  We want to bring sound Biblical teaching to the spiritually impoverished areas of our town.  We believe that, with prayer and His Holy Spirit's guidance, we might be used for Christ's ultimate glory as a vessel of His will there. We are supporting a new church , Greater New Philadelphia Baptist Church, which is located in a building across town at #5 Leveeview Road and its new pastor, Bro. Nate Smith and wife Mary. We look forward to seeing what God will do with this new church plant. 



CHURCH PLANT in Blytheville


Delta Church in downtown Blytheville, Arkansas, is our newest church plant. We support this new church and young pastor, Justin King and wife Katie, in their efforts to begin a new work, alongside the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. 

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