We want to be Salt & Light to those around us!
How can we be the church God wants us to be for His ultimate Glory?
What does God ask of the church of today?
Where can we serve God best in Wilson and Beyond?
We 'ask not' what our Lord can do for us
but rather, "What can we do for you, Lord?"
Jesus in June
In 2014, "Jesus in June" was a grand success. Led by Justin Cissell and family, the goal was to serve our community, enjoy our community and worship with our community. Saturday, June 2nd, the community enjoyed hot dogs, hamburgers, soft drinks, homemade lemonade, snow cones and popcorn all day long.
That night, our worship team shared music under the 'REVIVAL' tent and Rev. Silas Cross of Pine Bluff gave a message of hope to our neighborhood.
The next morning at 11AM we celebrated back under the tent, right downtown on historic Wilson Square.
This year we would like to make this event into something bigger than ourselves.
1) Would the rest of the churches in town be willing to participate and join us for this event?
2) Could we be able to make this a month-long event, focusing the first of the month on service to the community?
This project needs a LEADER or it won't happen. Is this something you feel led to participate in? We need you!! We are waiting to hear from you.
Ministry to Our Community
It all starts here.
How can we serve more?
We are so in love with Christ that it compels us to do more!
How can we serve the Wilson community
& South Mississippi county?
It's not about us. Not about us, oh Lord. More of You! More for them.
Does anything look interesting to you?
Food Pantry: Are you burdened by the hungry in our area? You can help by bringing dry goods to help the continued need of supply and help them sort foods at the pantry and can bring foods to the school to supply the School Backpack Program.
The Pea Patch: Are you capable of supplying ground, tractor work, planting, seed, or time? Talk the idea up with co-workers.
Children's Home: Would you take up the cause of kids needing foster parenting? Commit to taking the DHS classes.
Missions: Is God tugging at you to go on a mission trip? Go on a short mission trip with our church.
Physical Plant: We have needs right here that are going unmet; painting, cleaning, and such. Commit a few hours of your week to church service.
Visitation: Do you see yourself visiting shut-ins, nursing homes, first time visitors? There is an awesome need! Please help our pastor. Our "GO!" Visitation Ministry goes out each Sunday evening making connections with those in our neighborhood. Would you "GO" with us?
Team Kids: We are preparing for a new year of ministry to kids. We need teachers, teacher's helpers, bus drivers, bus riders, kitchen crew, recreation leaders, craft leaders, and so much more. Is that you? This is an immediate need. HELP!
Finances: Is the Lord blessing you so that you might bless others? Give appropriately. See what God might do with your finances.